Exploring craftmanship has brought me joy throughout my life. I built a house with wood from a dismantled barn, including the cabinets, vanities, and doors.
Most recently, I have combined my woodworking skills with my love of nature. Inspired by wood that I recover mostly in Vermont forests and river banks, my sculptures strive to capture the beauty and powerful grace of birds, in a natural setting.
My work was featured in the
Manchester Journal in April of 2018, and was recognized for honorable mention at the Trask art show in Saratoga Springs, NY, in 2017.
Working on the clay body shape of a Broad Billed Hummingbird. Each of my birds is shaped individually. I do not use molds.
The wings and tail are cut from Birch bark. I discovered many different shades in this bark when I began peeling it. I love the natural beauty of wood so I have resisted painting it, although I have experimented with painting the feathers on a few of my birds.
The beak is hand carved Tupelo Wood.
All of my birds are painted with the finest Acrylic paints and sealed with varnish to enhance and preserve their color.
This Great Blue Heron's tail is made from a palm leaf and his back is formed from an ocean battered coconut shell. My inspiration came from the palm leaf. I started by forming his body inside it. Chicken wire reinforces his neck, and also helped to achieve the shape.
To purchase a bird please email me at bryanrichheimer@gmail.com
Planning to visit Southwestern
Vermont? Please visit our display at: Epoch Vermont Artisans Gallery located at 4826 Main St. Manchester Center, VT 05255